Link Codes-OBAN & Cape Breton Repeaters
Pay careful attention to the courtesy tones on the VE1OBN repeater.
What you hear tells you what state the links are in and where the signal is coming from.
196* - allowed on all Ports - connects all Ports together
197* - allowed on all ports and will take down any links and set the controller back to default configuration
196A - allowed on Ports 1 (VE1OBN Repeater) & 2 (The Cape Breton System) - connect Port 1 to Port 2
197A - allowed on Ports 1 (VE1OBN Repeater) & 2 (The Cape Breton System) - disconnect Port 1 from Port 2
NOTE: - The 196A/197A codes are blocked if 196* is used.
See actions of a link code in following explanations.
196* - Connects all Ports together
1. - announces on all ports “Welcome to The Cape Breton Repeater System and VE1OBN Link On”
2. - The Cape Breton System and VE1OBN will be connected to the provincial backbone system
3. - Enables a double beep courtesy tone (2 beeps the same as the unlinked) on VE1OBN to indicate all links on
4. - Port 2 (The Cape Breton System) COS drop gives a double low-high beep on VE1OBN
5. - Port 3 (Provincial System) COS drop gives a triple high-low-lower beep on VE1OBN
6. - Disable codes 196A and 197A
7. - There is a 5 minute inactivity timer that is reset when there is any activity on the mainland UHF link
a) When the link times out due to inactivity the following announcements will be heard on all ports
“The Cape Breton repeater system, and, VE1OBN, Link automatic time out”
“VE1OBN links ready” - when this is heard the controller is in the default state
b) Enable codes 196A and 197A
197* - Disconnects all Ports and set the controller back to default configuration
1. - Announces on all ports “Goodby from The Cape Breton Repeater System and VE1OBN Link Off”
2. - Announces on all ports “VE1OBN links ready”
3. - Enable codes 196A and 197A
196A - connect Port 1 (VE1OBN repeater) to Port 2 (The Cape Breton System)
1. - Announces on the VE1OBN repeater and The Cape Breton Repeater System
“VE1OBN link to The Cape Breton Repeater System On”
2. - Enables double beep courtesy tone high-low on VE1OBN to indicate the link is on The Cape Breton System
3. - Port 2 (The Cape Breton System) COS drop gives a double low-high beep on VE1OBN
4. - Using 196* or 197* will act as above
197A - disconnect Port 1 (VE1OBN repeater) from Port 2 (The Cape Breton Repeater System) - default
1. - Announces on the VE1OBN repeater and The Cape Breton Repeater System
“Good bye from The Cape Breton Repeater System VE1OBN Link Off”
“VE1OBN links ready” - when this is heard the controller is in the default state
As you see above if VE1OBN is linked to The Cape Breton Repeater System, using either 197A or 197* will set
the controller back to the default unlinked state.
Nova Scotia Amateur Radio Association
January 2024
Cape Breton Amateur Radio Club
1027 Veterans Memorial Drive,
Arichat, Nova Scotia B0E1A0
Tel: 902-631-2962